This week following our theme for All About Me last week we are expanding and looking at our communities. From the people that we meet day to day to our wider community and the people in the world. We celebrate how diverse our world is. Our featured book this week is All Are Welcome Here by Alexandra Penfold and is a celebration of this. So here you go our community theme for preschoolers.

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All Are Welcome Here by Alexandra Penfold Featured Book from The Virtual Book Club for Kids
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This week’s virtual book club for kids featured book is All Are Welcome Here by Alexandra Penfold. This fantastic book celebrates the differences and diversity within the community, from the classroom setting to the streets around the home.
The message is repeated throughout “All are welcome here”.
You can read aloud and watch the YouTube video below to share the book with your child – check out our other books about community further on as well.

Weekly Virtual Book Club Plans
Get ideas for activities, crafts and recipes based on popular themes and featured books straight to your inbox each week to inspire you to connect and create with your children
Community Themed Songs to Sing This Week
New for this year we are sharing some songs and rhymes that you and your preschooler can sing together this week.
This is where I live!
This is where I live is a catchy song about where we live and the people that live with us.
Where are you going?
Expanding the community from our homes to the places around us we have a fun song to sing together Where Are you Going?
Hello Around the World
From our local area to around the world this Hello Around the World is full of different languages to show diversity in our global communities.
Community Theme Activity Plan Schedule
Each week we provide 5 simple and easy low prep activities on the theme for you and your preschoolers to do.
Although we don’t have a set schedule we do have one that works for some families, where an activity is recommended per day throughout the week, starting with a sensory or play idea.
Here’s the example schedule

Of course you don’t have to set the activity up like this you could have a day where you focus on the activities and themes or introduce more activities per day (to help we have included our Pinterest board below for you to find more ideas).
Community Activities For Preschoolers Featuring All Are Welcome Here
A preschool activity plan for the theme of communities featuring the book All Are Welcome Here by Alexandra Penfold. From our local community to global these activities are simple, easy and low prep for you and your preschooler.
This week we have a play activity to start the week and play. Roleplay like sensory play is important for preschoolers and you can set up this community themed role play as big or as little as you like.
Mapping is a great way for preschoolers to work on mark-making. With younger preschoolers just draw and use a sand tray, older preschoolers could copy the words for buildings in your community.
This week's math activity is going to take us out and about as well as building and mapping our own communities.
Our recipe is to make a snack house - very cute and you can adapt it with the food that your preschooler would like to eat.
We're building a community for our craft this week. This is so simple and your preschooler will them be able to play with it afterwards.
Community Themed Books for Preschoolers
We have included 3 additional community themed books that you and your preschooler may enjoy as well. These can be found on YouTube to read aloud as well.
- You Matter by Christian Robinson
- Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña
- Me on the Map by Joan Sweeny
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