Our featured book this week is Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd. We’ve put together a collection of Pet themed activities to explore with your preschooler. We have 5 simple activities to play, learn, create and have fun with your preschoolers.
So here we go our Activity Plan for Pet Week featuring Dog’s Colorful Day!
Find Your Activity Plan Here
Virtual Book Club for Kids Featured Book Dog’s Colorful Day
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Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd
In this adorable story Dog starts off the day with one black spot on his ear. However wherever he goes, he runs, rolls, and trots right into colors. As dog wanders around town, he collects spots made of red jam, blue paint, pink ice cream, and more. When he finally arrives back home, Dog has ten different colored spots. And then it’s bath time for this colorful canine, who makes learning colors and numbers easy, messy, and fun!

Weekly Virtual Book Club Plans
Get ideas for activities, crafts and recipes based on popular themes and featured books straight to your inbox each week to inspire you to connect and create with your children
Here’s the Read Aloud of this story available on Youtube.
Pet Themed Songs for Preschoolers
I Have a Pet
This is my Pet
Pets song for Kids
Pet Week Activity Plan for Preschoolers
Our pet week this week has 5 easy and fun activities to do with your preschooler.
How you structure them throughout the week is up to you but one of the hosts of the book club has put together this simple activity per day schedule that you could follow.
Pet Themed Weekly Plan for Preschoolers
Dog's Colorful Days Activity Plan for Preschoolers and Toddlers
A fun week of simple activities planned for you to do with your preschoolers inspired by the book Dog's Colorful Days by Emma Dodd on the theme of Pets.
Create this incredibly simple pet sensory bin activity. A little dirt and some bubbles makes for one happy kid!
Learning the alphabet doesn’t have to be boring. You can make learning letters fun and interesting for your preschool or kindergarten children with this hands-on alphabet puppy game for kids they will beg to play again and again.
In this fun, hands-on math activity children are invited to explore shapes, rotation, symmetry, size, orientation, color, characterization, abstract and representational art – all while having fun creating a super cute dog!
Create these adorable Pet Puppets out of craft sticks!
You can also create a fun cat headband and play this movement game.
Your kids will have so much fun making these too-cute kitty cat rice cakes.