This week we are celebrating Easter and featuring the fantastic book Goosie by Olivier Dunrea. This wonderful story is perfect for some spring and Easter fun with your preschoolers. We have some simple activities, other book recommendations, songs rhymes and even extra activity plans and ideas you can add in as well. We hope you enjoy so here we go our Goosie Activities for Easter Week for preschoolers.
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Goosie by Olivier Dunrea Featured Virtual Book Club for Kids Book
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This week’s featured book on the Virtual Book Club for Kids is Goosie by Olivier Dunrea. This lovely picture book has simple rhymes and lots of beautiful illustrations. Follow the little gosling in her bright red boots as she goes up and down, in the rain and in the snow.
Don’t worry if you can’t find a copy of the book you can find it being read aloud below. So sit down with your preschooler and enjoy.

Weekly Virtual Book Club Plans
Get ideas for activities, crafts and recipes based on popular themes and featured books straight to your inbox each week to inspire you to connect and create with your children
Easter Songs and Rhymes for Preschoolers
Along with the books and activities we like to recommend some simple songs and rhymes to get you moving and singing together with your preschoolers. So shake it out and enjoy these ones below.
The Way The Bunny Hops
The Easter Basket Song
10 Little Easter Eggs
Your Activity Plan for Easter Themed Week
Our free weekly activity plans for preschoolers don’t come with a set schedule as we know how busy it can be with your little ones. Instead we suggest a schedule for those that like to spread the plan out over the week. You can see the schedule below, we recommend the Easter Sensory Bin is set up on Monday so that then your child can explore, play and have fun it all through the week.
Goosie by Oliver Dunrea Activity Plan for a Week of Easter Fun for Preschoolers
A week of simple planned Easter Activities for preschoolers featuring the book Goosie by Oliver Dunrea.
A simple to set up Easter Sensory Bin for the week - leave it out and let your preschoolers enjoy.
Have fun matching and learning letters with this Simple Easter Alphabet Activity to remind your preschoolers of their letters.
We're counting this week with our easy to set up Easter Egg counting activity.
No cook Easter Nests to make with this simple and easy recipe that you and the kids will love.
Our craft this week is to create some fantastic salt painting Easter Eggs. These can be colourful and fun and ever so easy to do.
Easter Week Activities on Pinterest
Looking for more ideas we have some fantastic Easter Activities saved to our Easter Week Activities for Preschoolers board why don’t you check it out below and follow our account to get even more ideas to do with your preschoolers.
Easter Books for Preschoolers
As well as our featured book we always recommend 3 other books that we think you and your preschooler will love. Check them out below.
Even More Activity Plans for Easter Week from The Virtual Book Club for Kids
Do you want even more activities? Why not check out some of our other Easter Themed Activity Plans for preschoolers that you and they may enjoy.