This week’s theme for preschools is all about the election and our featured book for the Virtual Book Club for Kids is Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio. we have 5 simple activities to do this week plus other books and suggestions for activities in after the plan if you are looking for more.
So here we go Election week plan for Preschoolers.

Find Your Activity Plan Here
Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio Featured Book on the Virtual Book Club for Kids.
We have included links to the books on Amazon. As an associate, we may earn from qualifying purchases.
This week’s featured book is Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio a great book to help with discussion about the presidential elections.
Grace is learning about the Presidents and discovers there no girls so decides to run for president.
Don’t worry if you don’t have the book here’s the video being read aloud to share with your preschooler this week.
Election Week Songs for Preschoolers
Each week we try and share a few songs with you to sing and dance together with your preschoolers here are this week’s selection.
President Song for Kids
Sesame Street Vote Song
Learn to Vote with Mickey
Your Grace for President, Election Week Plan for Preschoolers
Below you will find our activities that fit into our recommended schedule (in the image below). However, you don’t have to follow this schedule you could include more activities per day. Or even do all of our suggested activities on 1 day it really is up to you.
We do love setting up our sensory bin at the beginning of the week and letting our preschoolers play with the items all week long.

Preschool Plan for Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio for Election Week
A fun week of easy and simple activities for preschoolers for a week of preschool fun.
This week's sensory activity is to set up a shaving cream sensory bin with red, white and blue. Easy and fun also a great way to explore colour mixing as well.
Wave some flags as we go to vote with this fun alphabet flag activity for our preschoolers.
Which is your favorite? Let's vote this week, ask family and friends what they will vote for and then make a graph to show it but with Ice-Cream flavours instead of people!
A delicious and easy snack to make together this week for our election week activities.
Mess free art for this week's craft, a star painting activity to do together.
For an additional art project you can explore this star citizen craft and ballot box activity.
Election Books for Preschoolers
Looking for other book recommendations to read together or to switch out the Grace for President book this week then check out our top recommendations below.
- I Vote: Making a Choice Makes a Difference by Mark Shulman
- V is for Voting by Kate Farrell
- Duck for President by Doreen Cronin
Here are some additional recommendations for Children’s Books about Voting.