With fall in full swing, we are focusing on giving thanks and gratitude with our first weekly theme for November this year. So we have a week of Gratitude activities for preschoolers and featuring a favourite author Karma Wilson and the fabulous book Bear Says Thanks.
So here we go our Gratitude Week for Preschoolers featuring Bear Says Thanks.

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Virtual Book Club for Kids Featured Book Bear Says Thanks by Karma Wilson
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This week’s featured book is by Karma Wilson and is ideal to read in November with your preschoolers as you lead up to Thanksgiving. The book is Bear Says Thanks, a sweet illustrated story featuring Bear and his friends.
In the story, bear wants to say thanks to his friends and has a brilliant idea to cook them all a delicious dinner. But, when he looks his cupboards are empty! Don’t worry though, this is a story of friendship and thanks and everything comes together at the end perfectly.
Don’t have the book? You can listen to this read aloud of Bear Says Thanks here on youtube.
Gratitude Songs for Preschool
I’m Thankful – Super Simple Songs
Thankful for Friends Song with Leon Bridges – Sesame Street
Gratitude – Music with Michal
You may also enjoy this Thankful song by The Juicebox or this song called Appreciation and Thankfulness – Jack Hartmann.
Gratitude Activities for Preschoolers
Our weekly plan is focusing on thanks and gratitude for preschoolers. We’ve tried to find the best simple and easy activities for you to do together to play, create and learn with your little ones whilst having fun and reading along with our featured book.
If you would like to work this activity plan to a schedule then we have 1 suggested schedule below where each activity falls on a different day.
We suggest using the Sensory Activity on a Monday as usually this is something that can be used time and time again during the week.

Gratitude Weekly Planner
Gratitude Weekly Planner Featuring Bear Says Thanks
Gratitude Activity Ideas for preschoolers and toddlers to go with the featured book Bear Says Thanks by Karma Wilson.
This week's activity is a sensory bin with conversation prompts that you and your preschooler can put together and then use to talk about the things that you are thankful for during the week.
Our alphabet activity is a letter/word craft and activity as we make a Gratitude Garland and help your preschooler to write the things that they are grateful onto the garland.
We're going to create our own numbers as we count our blessings with this Gratitude Math Activity this week. These numbers are then an ideal resource for you and your preschooler to use when working on number recognition in the future.
Bear Paw Cookies - Quick and Easy Soft Sugar Cookies - Huge Hit with the Kids.
Our cooking activity this week is to make some cookies that we can then share with friends and family saying Thanks to them like the bear in the story. These Bear Paw Cookies are easy to make and taste delicious.
Grab your favorite chocolate bar, paper, and watercolors you can create a one of a kind handmade turkey chocolate bar wrapper that says I'm Thankful for YOU!
Download our 30+ Gratitude Prompts for kids for even more ways to learn about gratitude this week.
More Books on Gratitude to Read with Preschoolers
We love selecting the featured books for the activity plans we provide here on The Virtual Book Club for Kids however, we know that some parents like to have a few recommended books or alternatives to the featured book so we provide 3 extra’s in the plan.
Here are our suggestions for more Books about Giving Thanks, Gratitude and Being Thankful for Preschoolers.
Thankful by Eileen Spinelli
I Am Thankful: A Thanksgiving Book for Kids by Sheri Wall
Llama Llama Gives Thanks by Anna Dewdney
The Thankful Book by Todd Parr
More Themed and Featured Books For Giving Thanks
Kindness Week for Preschoolers
Gratitude Week featuring The Thankful Book
Looking for an alternative theme this week why not check out our Fall Themes and Books for Preschoolers for some other fantastic suggestions.