It’s a fun week this week for us at the Virtual Book Club for Kids we’re looking at bugs.
This fun spring theme is great for kids and we have picked a classic children’s book to read together The Very Hungry Caterpillar by one of our favourite authors Eric Carle.
So here you go your activity plan for preschoolers for a week of bug fun.

Find Your Activity Plan Here
The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle Featured Book for The Virtual Book Club for Kids
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This week’s featured book for the Virtual Book Club for Kids Bug Week is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
It’s a classic and with beautiful illustrations as well as learning about the butterfly/caterpillar life cycle you and your preschooler can work on days of the week, colours, and numbers.
If you are looking for more bug books then check out our selection after the activities for more inspiration.
Listen to a Read Aloud of The Very Hungry Caterpillar on YouTube.
Bug Songs for Kids
Crawl Like A Caterpillar | Noodle & Pals
Hungry Caterpillars | PINKFONG Songs
Butterfly Ladybug Bumblebee | Super Simple Songs
Bug Week Activities for Preschoolers
Below you will find 5 simple activities to play, learn and create with your preschooler at home.
These ideas can be done over a week following our simple schedule below or you can mix up the days, even do them all in one day it’s up to you.
The schedule is just a suggestion and what seems to one for one of our hosts. With the sensory activity at the start of the week it can then be used as an independent play activity throughout the week.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Bug Week For Preschoolers
A fun week of simple, easy and fun, planned activities for preschoolers on the theme of bugs featuring the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Simple to set up sensory bin for bug week. You can easily switch out the rice for shredded paper or other filler if you wish.
Help you preschooler with letter recognition using these cute little DIY letter bugs for a simple activity to set up and play with this week.
Make a sticky wall and practice number with this fun and simple math activity this week with a bug theme.
Delicious and cute these easy cricket snacks are fun to make and your preschooler will love to eat them afterwards.
Using the contact paper again this week with a cute ladybug sun catcher to make to brighten your windows.
More Bug Books for Preschoolers
If you would like more inspiration for bug books to read this week then check out these other recommended books from us to read together with your preschooler.
- The Icky Bug Alphabet Book by Jerry Pollotta
- Ten Wriggly Wiggly Caterpillars by Tiger Tales
- The Backyard Bug Book for Kids by Lauren Davidson
- The Big Book of Bugs by Yuval Zommer
- You’re My Little Cuddle Bug by Nicola Edwards
- The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach
- I Like Bugs by Margaret Wise Brown
More Eric Carle Book Activity Plans from The Virtual Book Club for Kids
Love Eric Carle books then check out these other week plans from us here at the Virtual Book Club for Kids